Chrin Statement on Rep. Tom Marino Endorsement

(Scranton, PA) – Today, John Chrin announced the endorsement of Representative Tom Marino.

 “John Chrin is the right candidate to represent the northeast corner of our state. I am proud to endorse him. I value John’s expertise on financial services and business issues. I know that he will do a great job representing those areas of my current congressional district that now fall into the new 8th district.” said Rep. Marino. 

“I want to thank Tom for his endorsement. Tom is someone who I admire and can learn a lot from. He has shown great leadership representing his district in Congress.  I appreciate his support and look forward to working with him on issues important to both our new districts, Pennsylvania, and the nation.” said Chrin.

John Chrin is a 10th generation Pennsylvanian, political outsider, and successful business leader with over thirty years of experience in the private sector. He has created thousands of jobs over his career and will use this vast experience for the benefit of Northeast Pennsylvania.

